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Are you unhappy with how your breasts look? Do you wish they were larger, fuller or more similar in size and shape? If that’s the case, you can benefit from breast augmentation at PryorHealth Plastic Surgery in Rockford, Illinois.

PryorHealth Plastic Surgery offers breast augmentation procedures designed to produce results that YOU want to achieve.

Each patient and each facelift is different

That’s why we offer our patients one-on-one consultations with an expert facelift physician. At PryorHealth Plastic Surgery, our professional and courteous staff work to offer you high-quality treatment in a comfortable setting. To learn more about candidacy for a facelift Rockford residents are urged to contact PryorHealth Plastic Surgery, today.

Facelifts are a proven and comprehensive approach to fight wrinkles, sagging skin and other signs of aging. These surgeries can vary from those that are minimally invasive to more complex procedures. Typically, facelifts are designed to remove extra unwanted skin, tighten muscle and tissue and revitalize skin on your face and neck. Facelifts can help with:

  • Facial sagging
  • Jowls
  • Facial sagging
  • Jowls

For generations, men and women have undergone facelifts to look younger, feel better and improve their confidence and self-esteem. Improved medical techniques over the years means patients who undergo facelifts will look younger, but won’t acquire the frozen or unnatural look that past procedures produced.


This surgery can involve the addition of breast implants to improve your look, or fat transfer. With fat transfer, fat from other parts of your body is used to increase breast size or restore breast volume that may have disappeared following pregnancy or weight loss.

Breast augmentation can help you:

  • Boost breast fullness and projection.
  • Achieve better overall balance of your figure.
  • Boost self-esteem and confidence.

Our Rockford Breast augmentation patients should have realistic expectations about the procedure. For example, breast augmentation surgery does not address the issue of drooping breasts. If you want your breasts to gain a fuller look, and to be lifted to reduce sagging, you may need a breast lift.

Breast lifts can be done while you undergo breast augmentation. When you come for your consultation, one of our providers will discuss this option with you, again depending on your aesthetic goals. At PryorHealth Plastic Surgery, we understand that deciding whether to undergo breast augmentation is an extremely personal choice. We’ll help you come to the decision that’s right for you.

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Some Benefits of Facelifts Include

  • Improving several facial areas in one surgery.
  • Results: Facelifts can last a decade or longer and shave 10 to 15 years off your appearance.
  • Creating a younger look for trouble spots that show your age, including your jawline and neck.


During the recovery process, our team will be there for you to oversee your post-surgery care and offer instructions to promote healing. Typically, patients’ breasts are wrapped in dressings. Support bras and elastic bandages can also be used to keep swelling down and support your breasts as they heal from surgery.

At PryorHealth Plastic Surgery, we’ll advise you on how to best care for your breasts after surgery. One of our providers will also advise you on medications you may need to help you heal and decrease the chance of infection. Many patients will wear support bras 24 hours per day for a time following their surgery.

Cleaning incision sites is also key to recovery. For most patients, the initial recovery period lasts a day or two. After that, you will likely have to reduce activity for a time. Patients also may experience swelling and soreness for several weeks, but this is normal and will disappear with time.

Because each patient is different, one of our providers will determine when you can resume exercising and other activities. If you are embarrassed with the look or shape of your breasts, and these feelings are negatively impacting your personal or social life, it’s time to consider breast augmentation.

Contact PryorHealth Plastic Surgery today to learn how we can help you achieve the look you want. All patient results may vary. Breast augmentation is performed for cosmetic purposes only. All patients are different and in no way will any procedure nor their recovery be alike for everyone.

If your breasts are causing you physical or emotional problems, or you just want to look your best, contact PryorHealth Plastic Surgery today to schedule a consultation.

If you are unhappy with the look of your breasts because they are too large, or they are causing you physical problems that impact your quality of life, it’s time to consider breast reduction surgery.

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Recovery from breast reduction surgery varies from patient to patient and depends on her or his condition coming in, as well as the patient’s aesthetic goals. We will thoroughly review the recovery process with you so you will know what to expect in the days and weeks after surgery.

Breast reduction is for patients whose breasts have stopped developing. Also, most patients who undergo breast reduction are done having children. That’s because becoming pregnant and giving birth can change your breasts. If you plan on having children in the future, the surgeon will be happy to discuss this with you and how it can impact your plans for surgery. Other factors that may determine whether you should have breast reduction surgery include:

  • Irregular mammograms
  • Being severely obese
  • Smoking
  • Heart problems
  • Undiagnosed masses or lumps
  • Diabetes
  • Clotting issues
  • Circulation problems


You may have a condition called gynecomastia. While gynecomastia is not a medically threatening condition, it can be emotionally difficult for many of the men affected by it. If you’re tired of your gynecomastia getting in the way of your well-being, we can help. At PryorHealth Plastic Surgery in Rockford Gynecomastia Surgery is utilized by our physicians, who can both diagnose and treat cases of gynecomastia.

If you’d like more information about this condition or are interested in scheduling a consultation appointment for treatment, contact our Rockford office today.


Discover your new nose

  • Sculpt a more attractive slope
  • Shorten a nose that is too long
  • Narrow or widen the width of your nose
  • Reduce the size of your nose
  • Enlarge or reduce the nasal passages
  • Smooth bumps and other nasal bridge issues

We believe that our results speak for themselves. Please take a moment to view our beautiful Rhinoplasty before and after gallery to visualize your potential rhinoplasty results.


Rockford Rhinoplasty provider, PryorHealth, can help you determine if this procedure is in your best interest during your initial consultation. However, we have found that the best rhinoplasty candidates are:

  • Unhappy with the shape, size and appearance of their nose
  • Realistic about what surgery can accomplish
  • In good general health
  • Non-smokers


In many cases, gynecomastia is triggered by changes in the levels of estrogen and testosterone in the body that naturally occur with age. These fluctuations in hormone levels are most common during infancy, puberty, and middle/old age.

Hormone levels can also be impacted by drug and alcohol use and the consumption of certain medications, including:

  • Antibiotics
  • Heart medications
  • Certain antidepressants
  • Heartburn medications
  • Anti-anxiety drugs
  • AIDS treatments
  • Chemotherapy
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In many cases, gynecomastia is caused by the natural fluctuation of hormones that occur throughout different times in a man’s life. However, some cases of this condition are triggered by external factors. Before beginning any treatment for your case of gynecomastia, a member of our medical staff will ask you about the medications you are currently taking, as well as your alcohol consumption and drug use.

If we suspect that your case of gynecomastia is caused by any of these external factors, a member of our medical may ask you to discontinue the use the offending medication or substance. If your gynecomastia does not subside on its own and is not caused by any external factors, PryorHealth Plastic Surgery can provide you with gynecomastia surgery or any medication you may need to eliminate this excess tissue from your chest area.

Don’t let gynecomastia hold you back — if you’re looking for a solution to your condition or are interested in learning more about gynecomastia surgery Rockford patients are encouraged to contact office today to schedule a consultation. We look forward to hearing from you, and helping you obtain a sleek, masculine physique with gynecomastia surgery.

With the large number of women who undergo breast augmentation procedures each year, it is not surprising that some of those women would seek to have that augmentation revised.

Whether due to aging implants or dissatisfaction with your original augmentation, Rockford breast revision provider, PryorHealth, has the experience and artistic eye to produce the curvaceous, beautiful breasts you deserve.

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What Is Breast Revision Surgery?

If you are unhappy with the results of your original breast augmentation or are seeking to “update” those results years after your original procedure, breast revision surgery performed by PryorHealth can help you to achieve plump, natural-looking breasts. Breast revision surgery often involves removing implants from previous breast augmentation procedures and replacing them with newer implants, allowing for the correction of defects in the original procedure.


Breast revision surgery may be performed to correct deficiencies caused by previous breast augmentation, reduction, lift, or reconstruction procedures including:

  • Reposition breast implants
  • Remove rippling implants
  • Change the size of breast implants
  • Create more desirable contours
  • Improve upon the results from previous breast augmentation
  • Repair capsular contracture
  • Replace leaking implants
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Breast Reconstruction

If you are looking for a surgeon to restore your self-confidence and help you heal physically and emotionally following cancer surgery, contact PryorHealth Plastic Surgery to learn how we can help you with breast reconstruction surgery.

Located in Rockford, Illinois, PryorHealth Plastic Surgery is ready to restore your health and sense of well-being in the wake of mastectomy. Contact us today to learn more or to schedule a Rockford breast reconstruction appointment with us.


Breast reconstruction can employ different plastic surgery techniques to restore your breast to near normal appearance and shape after mastectomy. Breast reconstruction rebuilds your breast and offers women a chance to rebuild self-esteem following cancer surgery. It can transform lives and help women return to active, fulfilling lives.

While breast reconstructions are done to improve your appearance after mastectomy, patients should keep in mind that this surgery cannot return your breasts to how they looked and felt before mastectomy.

Some things to remember include:

  • A reconstructed breast does not have the exact same feel or sensation as the breast it replaced.
  • Some breast reconstruction techniques leave incision marks on the part of the body where tissue was donated, often on the abdomen, back or buttocks.
  • Incision lines will be present on your breast.

At Pryor Health Plastic Surgery, we will meet with you one-on-one to discuss all aspects of your breast reconstruction surgery. Every patient is different and every patient’s surgery is customized to achieve the best results. For example, some patients may also have a breast lift, breast reduction or breast augmentation on the opposite breast to promote better symmetry of both breasts.

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How to handle the recovery

After your breast reconstruction Rockford plastic surgeons will review with you in detail the steps you need to take after surgery to promote proper healing. One key is ensuring that your incisions are protected and not exposed to potential harm during your recovery. At PryorHealth Plastic Surgery, we’ll work with you to ensure your healing process is as safe and quick as possible. Typically, bandages or gauze are placed on your incisions for protection.

Elastic bandages or support bras also help keep swelling down and offer support. Also, a small tube is often used after surgery to drain excess fluid or blood, but this is temporary. You will find that swelling will fade and your breast position and shape will improve as you heal in the weeks following reconstruction surgery. Mastectomy is a harrowing experience for any woman. Breast reconstruction allows you to further your physical and emotional healing and return to a more active and fulfilling life. To continue your recovery with the best breast reconstruction available, contact PryorHealth Plastic Surgery today to learn how we can you feel whole again.

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Nipple Reconstruction

At PryorHealth Plastic Surgery in Rockford nipple reconstruction can be performed to make your breast reconstruction complete and leave your body looking more natural and appealing. For more information on nipple reconstruction, or to schedule an appointment, contact PryorHealth Plastic Surgery today.

We specialize in breast and nipple reconstruction Rockford patients can rely on to get the results they are searching for. Our skilled staff will help you select the safest and most effective procedure for you. Breast reconstruction surgery can restore shape and volume following mastectomy, but in many cases the new breast remains without the nipple and areola.

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Nipple areola reconstruction involves using skin flaps that are placed on your reconstructed breast. PryorHealth will help you determine which type of skin flap is best for your nipple reconstruction. These flaps are then used to form the nipple mound, which creates texture and contour of the nipple.After flaps are created through tiny incisions and the nipple mound has been rebuilt, incisions are closed and begin to heal. To create the appearance of the areola, skin grafts can be employed. Also, areola tattooing is an option in some cases.

This can be performed after nipple reconstruction has healed. If skin grafts are used for the areola, the graft often can be taken from elsewhere on the body. Areola grafting typically can be done simultaneously with skin flap nipple reconstruction, or grafting can be done during a separate procedure. Tattooing is a common procedure to complete reconstruction because it promotes a natural-looking color on the nipple and areola. This procedure typically can be done on an out-patient basis.


Nipple areola reconstruction has long been considered safe, simple and carrying little risk. Some patients may encounter issues where local skin flaps are pieced together to build the new nipple. But these issues typically can be taken care of and corrected.

For the most part, patients with a history of radiation treatment are typically more likely to have complications during healing. These patients may want to have nipple areola tattooing rather than a surgical nipple reconstruction. But our experience at PryorHealth Plastic Surgery has been that the benefits of nipple reconstruction far outweigh the risks.

Rockford nipple reconstruction provider PryorHealth will discuss your procedure with you in detail and together you will choose a nipple reconstruction procedure that fits your aesthetic needs. Breast reconstruction has helped countless women who have undergone mastectomy to regain self-confidence after breast cancer and feel whole again. Nipple reconstruction and areola improvements are needed to properly finish reconstruction for greater attractiveness and natural-looking results.

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Breast Augmentation
Breast Reduction
Breast Revision
Breast Reconstruction
Nipple Reconstruction

Are you unhappy with how your breasts look? Do you wish they were larger, fuller or more similar in size and shape? If that’s the case, you can benefit from breast augmentation at PryorHealth Plastic Surgery in Rockford, Illinois.

PryorHealth Plastic Surgery offers breast augmentation procedures designed to produce results that YOU want to achieve.


Breast revision surgery may be performed to correct deficiencies caused by previous breast augmentation, reduction, lift, or reconstruction procedures including:

  • Reposition breast implants
  • Remove rippling implants
  • Change the size of breast implants
  • Create more desirable contours
  • Improve upon the results from previous breast augmentation
  • Repair capsular contracture
  • Replace leaking implants
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If your breasts are causing you physical or emotional problems, or you just want to look your best, contact PryorHealth Plastic Surgery today to schedule a consultation.

If you are unhappy with the look of your breasts because they are too large, or they are causing you physical problems that impact your quality of life, it’s time to consider breast reduction surgery.

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Recovery from breast reduction surgery varies from patient to patient and depends on her or his condition coming in, as well as the patient’s aesthetic goals. We will thoroughly review the recovery process with you so you will know what to expect in the days and weeks after surgery.

Breast reduction is for patients whose breasts have stopped developing. Also, most patients who undergo breast reduction are done having children. That’s because becoming pregnant and giving birth can change your breasts. If you plan on having children in the future, the surgeon will be happy to discuss this with you and how it can impact your plans for surgery. Other factors that may determine whether you should have breast reduction surgery include:

  • Irregular mammograms
  • Being severely obese
  • Smoking
  • Heart problems
  • Undiagnosed masses or lumps
  • Diabetes
  • Clotting issues
  • Circulation problems


You may have a condition called gynecomastia. While gynecomastia is not a medically threatening condition, it can be emotionally difficult for many of the men affected by it. If you’re tired of your gynecomastia getting in the way of your well-being, we can help. At PryorHealth Plastic Surgery in Rockford Gynecomastia Surgery is utilized by our physicians, who can both diagnose and treat cases of gynecomastia.

If you’d like more information about this condition or are interested in scheduling a consultation appointment for treatment, contact our Rockford office today.


In many cases, gynecomastia is caused by the natural fluctuation of hormones that occur throughout different times in a man’s life. However, some cases of this condition are triggered by external factors. Before beginning any treatment for your case of gynecomastia, a member of our medical staff will ask you about the medications you are currently taking, as well as your alcohol consumption and drug use.

If we suspect that your case of gynecomastia is caused by any of these external factors, a member of our medical may ask you to discontinue the use the offending medication or substance. If your gynecomastia does not subside on its own and is not caused by any external factors, PryorHealth Plastic Surgery can provide you with gynecomastia surgery or any medication you may need to eliminate this excess tissue from your chest area.

Don’t let gynecomastia hold you back — if you’re looking for a solution to your condition or are interested in learning more about gynecomastia surgery Rockford patients are encouraged to contact office today to schedule a consultation. We look forward to hearing from you, and helping you obtain a sleek, masculine physique with gynecomastia surgery.

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With the large number of women who undergo breast augmentation procedures each year, it is not surprising that some of those women would seek to have that augmentation revised.

Whether due to aging implants or dissatisfaction with your original augmentation, Rockford breast revision provider, PryorHealth, has the experience and artistic eye to produce the curvaceous, beautiful breasts you deserve.

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What Is Breast Revision Surgery?

If you are unhappy with the results of your original breast augmentation or are seeking to “update” those results years after your original procedure, breast revision surgery performed by PryorHealth can help you to achieve plump, natural-looking breasts. Breast revision surgery often involves removing implants from previous breast augmentation procedures and replacing them with newer implants, allowing for the correction of defects in the original procedure.

Breast Reconstruction

If you are looking for a surgeon to restore your self-confidence and help you heal physically and emotionally following cancer surgery, contact PryorHealth Plastic Surgery to learn how we can help you with breast reconstruction surgery.

Located in Rockford, Illinois, PryorHealth Plastic Surgery is ready to restore your health and sense of well-being in the wake of mastectomy. Contact us today to learn more or to schedule a Rockford breast reconstruction appointment with us.


How to handle the recovery

After your breast reconstruction Rockford plastic surgeons will review with you in detail the steps you need to take after surgery to promote proper healing. One key is ensuring that your incisions are protected and not exposed to potential harm during your recovery. At PryorHealth Plastic Surgery, we’ll work with you to ensure your healing process is as safe and quick as possible. Typically, bandages or gauze are placed on your incisions for protection.

Elastic bandages or support bras also help keep swelling down and offer support. Also, a small tube is often used after surgery to drain excess fluid or blood, but this is temporary. You will find that swelling will fade and your breast position and shape will improve as you heal in the weeks following reconstruction surgery. Mastectomy is a harrowing experience for any woman. Breast reconstruction allows you to further your physical and emotional healing and return to a more active and fulfilling life. To continue your recovery with the best breast reconstruction available, contact PryorHealth Plastic Surgery today to learn how we can you feel whole again.

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Nipple Reconstruction

At PryorHealth Plastic Surgery in Rockford nipple reconstruction can be performed to make your breast reconstruction complete and leave your body looking more natural and appealing. For more information on nipple reconstruction, or to schedule an appointment, contact PryorHealth Plastic Surgery today.

We specialize in breast and nipple reconstruction Rockford patients can rely on to get the results they are searching for. Our skilled staff will help you select the safest and most effective procedure for you. Breast reconstruction surgery can restore shape and volume following mastectomy, but in many cases the new breast remains without the nipple and areola.

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Nipple areola reconstruction involves using skin flaps that are placed on your reconstructed breast. PryorHealth will help you determine which type of skin flap is best for your nipple reconstruction. These flaps are then used to form the nipple mound, which creates texture and contour of the nipple.After flaps are created through tiny incisions and the nipple mound has been rebuilt, incisions are closed and begin to heal. To create the appearance of the areola, skin grafts can be employed. Also, areola tattooing is an option in some cases.

This can be performed after nipple reconstruction has healed. If skin grafts are used for the areola, the graft often can be taken from elsewhere on the body. Areola grafting typically can be done simultaneously with skin flap nipple reconstruction, or grafting can be done during a separate procedure. Tattooing is a common procedure to complete reconstruction because it promotes a natural-looking color on the nipple and areola. This procedure typically can be done on an out-patient basis.

Request a Consultation

Looking to enhance your appearance? Connect with our specialists to explore our surgical, medspa, and wellness services. Get the boost you deserve. Contact us now.

All Pryor Health Locations

Rockford, IL

5995 Spring Creek Rd Rockford, IL 61114

PryorHealth: Naperville

1307 Macom Dr, Naperville, IL 60564

Plastic Surgeons of Akron

270 S. Cleveland Massillon Road. Suite C, Fairlawn OH 44333

A Younger You (Burlington)

333 Milwaukee Ave, Burlington, WI 53105

A Younger You (Brookfield)

18900 W Bluemound Rd, Suite 112, Brookfield, WI 53045

Skin Body Soul Spa (Ankeny)

1515 SW Main St. Suite 101, Ankeny, IA 50023

Skin Body Soul Spa (West Des Moines)

9350 University Ave #132, West Des Moines, IA 502663

Estetica Institute

2865 PGA Boulevard Suite 100, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410